California Jobs First (CERF) Collaborative Meeting: Summer of Collective Learning- July 27, 2023
This was second Collaborative meeting in the “Summer of Collective Learning” series on July 27th from 3pm – 5pm. The meeting was held virtually via Zoom and was open to current Collaborative members as well as those interested in getting involved. The session featured a panel of Economic Development Pilot Project awardees discussing innovative projects advancing California Jobs First (CERF). Additionally, there was a presentation from our Lead Research Partner, Brookings, providing an overview our research progress and plan. The Summer of Collective Learning series will give us time to learn and plan together around the California Jobs First (CERF) program. From June to August, each monthly meeting will feature a collective learning session on topics related to the California Jobs First (CERF) program’s values and goals, as well as time dedicated to advancing our region’s efforts. In addition to viewing the recording below, you may also download the VV slides and meeting minutes.