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Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative


The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRC) is a multidisciplinary network of local and regional agencies, organizations, businesses and associations working together to advance climate mitigation and adaptation efforts in their own communities and throughout California’s Capital Region.

The CRC membership network encompasses the 6-county Sacramento Area. CRC is a coalition program of the Valley Vision and a member of the Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation.

What is Climate Readiness?

Climate readiness is about taking targeted action to preserve and improve our region’s economy, infrastructure, and resources while safeguarding our community members’ health, safety, and quality of life.

The Need For Collaboration on Climate Change

From heat waves to flooding to agricultural productivity, a wide range of impacts threaten the Capital region. We are already seeing changes in our climate and environment, like extreme heat events, more extreme weather events, earlier snow melt, milder winter temperatures, longer fire seasons, and water shortages. These effects disrupt multiple sectors and highlight the importance of cross-regional and cross-sectoral collaboration to effectively build resilience in our communities and businesses.

Many organizations are already responding to these key vulnerabilities, but there is much more to be done. By developing and implementing a set of comprehensive adaptation strategies, our region can increase its resilience, protect its unique resources and assets, strengthen its economy, leverage new opportunities, and ensure a healthy and prosperous future.

Our Work:

  • We are working to develop a common understanding of regional vulnerabilities and strategies to address climate impacts.
  • We identify regional priorities, planning efforts, implementation projects, replicable strategies and research needs by working with our diverse membership.
  • We provide a regular forum for local and regional leaders to learn, network and collaborate and climate resiliency efforts.
  • We provide coordination support to local and regional agencies to ensure that our region leverage resources and opportunities strategically while avoiding duplication.
  • We increase our region’s ability to identify and obtain resources to support regional priorities.
  • We provide a unified voice for the Capital Region, and its local entities, at the state and federal levels to influence policy, regulatory, and funding decisions.
  • We facilitate information and best practice sharing about addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation within the region and across the state and nation.

    Our Members:

Learn More

Visit the Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative website for more information about CRC projects, resources, and more.

Join the Collaborative

Join a dynamic and diverse network working to create a resilient and vibrant Capital Region! We provide targeted assistance to help our members enhance their own climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts while fostering coordination and collaboration across the region.

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Stay up-to-date on the latest news, funding opportunities, resources, and events to support your efforts to create a climate-smart and resilient Capital Region!