Air Quality and Public Health Events – Spanish & Vietnamese (September 2024)
Valley Vision, United Latinos and ClimatePlan co-hosted two educational community events on Wednesdays September 18th and 25th in South Sacramento, where more than 95 community members learned about vehicle emissions impacts to public health, and ways they can improve air quality.
Additionally, thank you to Teatro Nagual and Breathe California – Sacramento Region who contributed to two successful and impactful in-language events. Also, huge thanks to Laguardia Translations for providing interpretation services to Spanish and Vietnamese community members present at the events!
Presentation slides for both the Spanish and Vietnamese events are listed below:
- Learn more about the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District’s Clean Cars 4 All Program, where income-qualified Sacramento residents can trade in their old vehicles and receive rebates for purchasing zero or near-zero emissions vehicles or electric bikes.
- Need help with your energy bill? Community Resource Project can help you through their Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
These educational community events are a part of the Sacramento County Vehicle Emissions Project (VEP) funded by Sacramento County Department of Public Health and the State of California Department of Justice.