Celebrating New State and Local Workforce Leadership

The Capital Region is fortunate to have Stewart Knox, Jennifer Hernandez, and Erica Johnson assume leadership roles in our state and local workforce agencies.
Governor Newson swore in Stewart Knox as the new Secretary of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency in December 2022. He has been the agency’s undersecretary since 2021 and has 28 years of statewide experience in workforce and economic development. Stewart Know will be joining Valley Vision’s Building A Community-Centered Clean Economy hybrid event on February 13th as a guest speaker.
In November 2022, Jennifer Hernandez joined the Sacramento Employment Training Agency as their new Executive Director after serving as the Deputy Director of the Family Engagement and Empowerment Division at the California Department of Social Services. She has nearly 20 years of advocacy experience engaging with nonprofits and policy leaders promoting key policies and programs that help promote equity and social justice.
At the beginning of this new year, Erica Johnson was promoted to the Workforce Investment Board Executive Director and Manager over the Agricultural Labor and Business Services for Yolo County. Erica came to Yolo County from the east coast in July 2018 as the YoloWorks! Program Coordinator for Employment & Business Services with a background in employment, youth, housing, business and disability services. In her time with the County, Erica has helped to expand the array of services available through YoloWorks! Career Services, while also strengthening the relationships between the County, job seekers and employers.
As the regional intermediary for the Capital Region, Valley Vision looks forward to working with these newly appointed and selected leaders to advance responsive and equitable career pathways to improve the livability of our region. Congratulations to all!
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