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Fall 2021 Agriculture and Natural Resources Regional Advisory: Water Conservation

Health and Life Sciences Community College Healthcare Programs

Health and Life Sciences: Nursing and Allied Health Adviosry Report

Hospitality, Culinary, and Tourism Advisory Report

Administration of Justice Regional Advisory (October 2021)

The Administration of Justice Regional Advisory took place on Friday, October 15th, 2021. This advisory informed desirable skills and qualifications, skill gaps in applicants, and opportunities to improve training and education programs for individuals planning to join this field.

Click here to view the Fall 2021 Administration of Justice Regional Advisory Meeting Proceedings Report, or view the meeting recording, presentation, and other materials below.

Administration of Justice and Public Safety: Administration of Justice Advisory Report (2021)

Skills for a Ready Future Workforce (2021)

Valley Vision has been examining Future of Work trends for many years. Our latest research was made possible through funding from the City of Sacramento CARES COVID Relief and in partnership with Burning Glass Technologies.  This analysis sought to answer the question, where should resources be targeted to provide the most effective skills acquisition and training, especially to disproportionately impacted community members, to enhance and accelerate recovery from the pandemic.

Building on previous work, Automation Risk for Jobs in the Capital Region (March 2020), this report looks at the potential impacts of automation in our nine county region, recovery from the pandemic and future workforce development strategies need to be responsive to multiple factors. The following white paper highlights the result of these efforts:

Administration of Justice Sector Advisory

Join us on Friday, October 15th, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM for a Regional Industry Advisory on career pathways and policy changes in the Administration of Justice sector. 

Be a part of the conversation as we discuss recent legislative changes, present labor market information, and hear from industry and employers on occupational pathways and efforts to diversify the talent pipeline. Your participation and feedback are valued to help guide investments in programs, certificates, and curricula to better serve the needs of the Capital Region’s Administration of Justice workforce.

Agriculture & Natural Resources Sector Advisory

Join us on Friday, November 5th, 2021 from 9 AM – 11 AM for an industry advisory meeting on emerging trends and opportunities in the Agriculture and Natural Resources sector.

Be a part of the conversation as we discuss the future of hydroponics, forest management, and the occupational demands of public sector careers in this industry. Your participation and feedback are of critical value to help guide investments in programs, certificates, and curricula to better serve the needs of the Capital Region’s Agriculture and Natural Resources workforce. Please RSVP today!

Health Regional Sector Advisory

Join us on Thursday, October 28th, 2021 from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM for a health sector regional industry advisory on emerging trends in the nursing and allied health fields.

This virtual advisory meeting will include a keynote speaker, Carter Todd, President of the Capital Black Nurses Association, a presentation by the Centers of Excellence on labor market and occupational data, and an industry panel discussion on the current landscape and emerging trends in the field. Timely industry input will inform the educational pipeline to better prepare our regional workforce for nursing and allied health occupational demands.

Your valuable participation will help guide Community College Strong Workforce Program investments for Healthcare programs, certificates, and curricula.

Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Regional Sector Advisory

Join us on Friday, October 22, 2021 for an industry advisory meeting on emerging trends and career opportunities in the Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism sector.

We encourage all interested parties to join the conversation as we seek to build an accessible, industry-relevant training pipeline to serve the Greater Sacramento region. Your participation and feedback are of critical value to help guide investments in programs, certificates, and curricula to better serve the needs of California’s RHT workforce.

Information & Communication Technologies Regional Advisory: The Rise of Remote Work (September 2021)

The Remote Work Advisory took place on Friday, September 10th, 2021. This advisory sought to understand the evolution of work structures by examining survey results from the region’s employers to gain insight into the specifics of remote work.

This event featured teleworking trends, research gathered from Valley Vision’s regional Remote Work Survey, and an employer panel that focused on the occupational demands related to remote work.