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Workforce Needs Assessment: AgTech (2020)

Valley Vision, as part of its mission to support a 21st Century Workforce for the Capital Region, has partnered with the Los Rios Center of Excellence and the California Rice Commission, with support from the state’s Strong Workforce Program, on an analysis of the agriculture technology, or “AgTech” industry cluster.

This report focuses on the impact of technology on a range of occupations in the Food & Agriculture industry cluster, especially related to middle skill jobs, defined as those requiring more than a high school degree and less than a four-year degree.

The Shifting Dynamics of Workforce Training & Education (2020)

We are currently experiencing a large transition to remote work and distance learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 30th, Valley Vision hosted a webinar looking at how this shift is occurring in the Capital region by sharing polling responses on perceptions of online education, current and innovative strategies, and opportunities and challenges to online delivery.  This webinar was the second in a series of three looking at the Future of Work.  Our first webinar included the release of the Automation Risk for Jobs in the Capital Region report with corresponding findings, recommendations, and panel discussion.  This second looked at The Changing Dynamics of Workforce Education and Training.  Our third Future of Work webinar will look at Impacts of the Gig Economy.  

The Changing Dynamics of Workforce Education and Training webinar began with Valley Vision’s CEO Evan Schmidt and Shannon Williams, Executive Director of the Institute for Social Policy at CSU Sacramento, sharing information from our Workforce and Education Poll conducted pre-COVID which looked at attitudes on education and workforce development opportunities in the region.  This is the fifth poll Valley Vision has conducted in conjunction with Institute for Social Policy and yielded the following key takeaways:

  • One third of workers is employed in a different industry than what they were trained to do
  • Two-thirds of workers overall are ready to learn new skills or retrain completely
  • 57% of respondents would like access to more formal education and training
  • Respondents who had used online education had a more positive view of it
  • 92% of respondents perceived online education as having better or equal value for the money as traditional education

In live polling conducted during the webinar, the audience was asked if they believe online will be a more significant delivery system post COVID recovery with 92% reporting yes.  We then moved to a panel discussion including Sonali Joshi, Chief Operating Officer at Cell-Ed; Jenni Murphy, Dean of Continuing Education at CSU Sacramento, and Markus Geissler, Professor and Regional Director, Employer Engagement, Information & Communication Technologies/Digital Media, California Community Colleges, Greater Sacramento Region.  We received the following key insights from our panelists:

  • Online delivery allows for scheduling flexibility, individuals can learn around their professional schedule and family obligations
  • ESL students can show significant benefit from online delivery 
  • Introverts do very well in an online environment as the dynamics of who speaks up and who dominates are absent
  • The ability to self-pace or repeat/review instruction is a benefit of online delivery
  • Online education and training provides the opportunity for targeted, personalized instruction
  • Young people have technical skills but not the discipline of teaching themselves which comes from maturity
  • Online education is pushing our boundaries of professionalism and how to build connection
  • Panelists discussed successful hybrid approaches including pairing with a coach

Valley Vision’s poll demonstrated the region’s significant interest in continued learning and training which matches the increasing need for training and upskilling as workplace and workforce needs continue to change.  It also captured the population’s high degree of willingness to adapt to new learning systems.  It will be important to continue to use and invest in online learning platforms to provide accessible, ongoing skill development as our workplaces continue to evolve.  The current accelerated online environment is pushing us into a new innovation space, challenging us, and creating opportunities to embrace the Future of Work.

You can access the full webinar here.

Automation Risk for Jobs in the Capital Region (2020)

Research has clearly shown that technology disruption, like automation, will impact jobs throughout the U.S. Valley Vision worked with the Los Rios Center of Excellence to examine the impact that automation will have on jobs, people, and sectors in the Capital Region. Read the COE and Valley Vision report to learn about the composition of the region’s workforce, the populations that will be impacted by automation, and automation risk across sectors and skill types. This report can help us address as a region how we can prepare for the impending skill shift.

Information and Communication Technologies: Cloud Computing Advisory Report

Spring 2020 ECU Regional Industry Advisory

Sacramento Valley Manufacturing Initiative

The Sacramento Valley Manufacturing Initiative (SVMI) is a new industry-lead collaboration to build and sustain a robust manufacturing sector in the Sacramento region by informing and supporting education and training providers about the needs of the 21st Century manufacturing workforce. The efforts of SVMI will help address the chronic shortage of qualified and skilled workers in the manufacturing industry.

The manufacturing sector is alive and growing in the Sacramento region. The manufacturing sector today has a high economic impact on the region, offers great career opportunities, and requires a skilled workforce. A common challenge faced by manufacturers in growing their business is finding people with the skills required to make products and succeed in the workplace. The looming retirement of highly skilled manufacturing workers is increasing this challenge. By building a pipeline of skilled workers, manufacturers can reduce costs, improve productivity, and confidently plan for the growth of their businesses. Students and working-age adults can find well-paying jobs and opportunities for career growth with local manufacturers.

The Sacramento Valley Manufacturing Initiative aligns with Valley Vision’s 21st Century Workforce strategy and regional system planning efforts underway with workforce innovation boards, community colleges, and other system partners.

Future of Work

The digitalization of work is affecting jobs across all sectors of industry, but wide ranging speculation persists as to how it will impact our region’s economy and workforce.

In response, Valley Vision, in partnership with the North Far North Region Center of Excellence, is providing occupational research to identify jobs and populations most vulnerable to job displacement, informing a regional displacement preparedness/layoff aversion initiative. Valley Vision, supported by Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA), Golden Sierra Workforce Development Board (WDB), North Central Counties Consortium, and the Yolo Workforce Investment Board, is bringing together workforce partners, educators, and employers to have critical conversations on this issue and identify high priority actions for the region to ensure a diverse, vibrant and competitive workforce for the jobs in demand today and into the future.

Valley Vision worked with the Los Rios Center of Excellence to examine the impact that automation will have on jobs, people, and sectors in the Capital Region. Read the COE and Valley Vision report to learn about the composition of the region’s workforce, the populations that will be impacted by automation, and automation risk across sectors and skill types. This report can help us address as a region how we can prepare for the impending skill shift.

Developing a Ready Workforce

To create a vibrant and prosperous economy, our region must have a talented workforce – educated, trained, and ready – for the 21st Century Workforce.

Valley Vision acts as the regional intermediary for the Capital Region’s Workforce Boards and regularly produces regional industry advisories to inform education and workforce stakeholders. These resources are open to the public and available below.

Industry Cluster Resources

Project History

Developing a Ready Workforce spans several projects. Key efforts include the California Community Colleges Strong Workforce Program and Regional Organizing with the Capital Region Workforce Boards.

Valley Vision supports the Los Rios Community College District, in collaboration with the North Far North Consortium, to improve the workforce advisory meeting process across industry sectors and broaden opportunities for more systemic and impactful employer engagement. Valley Vision conducts continuous research on the changing economy and the region’s tradeable industry clusters in collaboration with the Centers of Excellence.

The Strong Workforce Program complements Valley Vision’s role as the Regional Organizer for the Capital Region Workforce Boards by identifying critical skills gaps in high demand occupations; providing timely information to education and workforce partners to guide responsive programs and investments; and mobilizing regional leaders and businesses to partner on effective and inclusive workforce development solutions.

Developing a Ready Workforce builds upon a region-wide Prosperity Strategy that identified promising industry clusters for the Capital Region to target for job creation and economic growth.

Project Funding

Developing a Ready Workforce is funded by Los Rios Community College District through Strong Workforce Program funds and the Capitol Region Workforce Boards through Regional Planning Implementation funds. 

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Information and Communication Technologies: Cybersecurity Advisory Report

Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation: Manufacturing Regional Advisory Committee Meeting Report (2019)

Spring 2019 ECU Regional Industry Advisory

Information and Communication Technologies: Advancing Innovation Advisory Report