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Cleaner Air Partnership Fact Sheet (2025)

The Cleaner Air Partnership (CAP) is a unique collaboration between Breathe California Sacramento Region, the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, and Valley Vision, working to ensure that the region meets clean air standards that protect health, promote economic growth, and support equity. This fact sheet details the Cleaner Air Partnership’s education, advocacy and regional coordination activities and accomplishments.

Cleaner Air Partnership (CAP)

The Cleaner Air Partnership (CAP) is a unique public-private partnership across business, transportation, health, local government and the environment that is committed to protecting health, promoting economic growth, and supporting equity by ensuring the region meets clean air standards.

Our region is one of America’s most polluted metropolitan areas. That means negative health impacts for all of us, as prolonged exposure to high air pollution may cause severe health issues such as respiratory illness, lung and heart stress, and damaged respiratory cells. Our underserved communities are most vulnerable to pollution impacts, especially black, brown and other communities of color. We’ve made great progress cleaning our air, but we need to continue the work. As more people move to the area and our national air quality standards change, so do the challenges for our region’s air quality advocates, residents, and businesses.

In support of its mission, the Cleaner Air Partnership undertakes:

  • Fact-finding
  • Public education
  • Policy and advocacy work at the local, state and federal levels on behalf of air quality priorities of the region
  • Facilitation and building agreement
  • Support for air-friendly smart-growth principles and their local implementation
  • Support for targeted research activities

Stay up-to-date on air quality in the Sacramento region with the monthly CAP email newsletter: Subscribe to the Cleaner Air News.

Our geographic focus includes Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado, Yuba, Sutter and part of Solano counties, and the large air basin that they share.

The work of CAP generally centers on programs that help minimize smog-forming emissions from mobile sources, such as cars and trucks, which are the dominant source of the capital region’s air pollution. CAP supports an incentive-based approach that rewards cooperation, innovation and proactive efforts. CAP is focused on reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are one of the two major ingredients of ground-level ozone or smog. Simultaneously, reductions in ozone pollution and NOx also help to reduce two other major kinds of air pollution in our region: PM 2.5, small particles (soot), and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which are all linked to climate change. Learn more about past and current air quality in our region at Spare the Air.

Learn about the history of the Cleaner Air Partnership below:

Learn about the impacts of poor air quality to public health and economic growth:

CAP Contributors

The Cleaner Air Partnership’s contributors include businesses, environmental organizations, public health nonprofits, and governmental agencies from both the public and private sectors:

For more information about becoming a financial supporter, please contact Adrian Rehn.

CAP Agenda & Accomplishments

The Sacramento Region has reduced unhealthy air days by two-thirds since 1979 through tougher smog checks and emissions standards, cleaner burning gasoline and stricter standards on stationary sources such as auto refinishing shops, manufacturing plants and gas stations.

Private companies and public agencies have also joined the effort – voluntarily adding pollution controls and switching their heavy-duty vehicles to cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed natural gas. Financial incentives often help cover their costs and lead businesses to adopt clean-air measures before regulations require them. And we’ve begun thinking about how to grow smarter by putting jobs, homes and services closer together.

Here are CAP’s main priority work areas for the coming years:

Here are some highlights of CAP’s clean air innovation and action:

Join Us!

At the Cleaner Air Partnership, we think a little cooperation can go a long way when it comes to preserving the air quality that’s so crucial for the Sacramento region’s future.

Our business-health partnership can also be a source of invaluable context and guidance for your own external affairs activities. 

CAP Technical Advisory: Carbon Farming (June 2022)

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s June 2022 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, participants discussed ‘carbon farming,’ which has become more prevalent as a way to address the climate crisis in the Sacramento region.

Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, PG&E, CEMEX, and the Healthy Air Alliance.

Subject Matter Experts:

  • Todd Smith, Planning Director, County of Sacramento
  • Majdi Abou Najm, Associate Professor of Soil Biophysics, UC Davis
  • Campbell Ingram, Executive Officer, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
  • Humberto Izquierdo, Agriculture Commissioner, County of Yolo
  • Kate Reza, Program Manager, Yolo County Resource Conservation District

CAP Luncheon: Greening Our Supply Chain (June 2022)

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s June 2022 *Virtual* Quarterly Luncheon, attendees learned about how the corporate sustainability programs of PG&E, SMUD, CEMEX, Teichert, and others are lowering emissions outside of regulatory efforts.

Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, PG&E, CEMEX, and the Healthy Air Alliance.

Guest Speakers:

  • Christopher Benjamin, Director of Corporate Sustainability, PG&E
  • Colleen McCormick, Sustainability Lead, SMUD
  • Debbie Wells, Director of Government Affairs, Sustainability & Communications, CEMEX
  • Kori Andrews, Director of Sustainability & Public Affairs, CEMEX
  • John Lane, Environmental Manager, Teichert (Presentation)

CAP Luncheon: Greening Our Supply Chain

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s June 2022 Virtual Quarterly Luncheon, attendees will learn about how the corporate sustainability programs of PG&E, SMUD, CEMEX, Teichert, and others are lowering emissions outside of regulatory efforts. RSVP Now:

CAP events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the 6-county Sacramento region. Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, PG&E, Healthy Air Alliance, the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, and CEMEX.

All CAP events are free to attend; registration is required for planning purposes. Email Kathy Saechou with any questions at

CAP Luncheon: Readying Our Region for Investment (February 2022)

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s February 2022 *Virtual* Quarterly Luncheon, attendees learned about and took steps to coordinate around several upcoming Federal and State funding programs to improve mobility, air quality, and more.

Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, PG&E, CEMEX, and the Healthy Air Alliance.

Guest Speakers:

  • Bill Boyce, SMUD (Presentation)
  • Chris Flores, Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT)
  • Raef Porter, Sac Metro Air District (SMAQMD)
  • Isa Avanceña, Valley Vision (Presentation)

Zero Emission Hydrogen Locomotive Factsheet (2022)

Learn more about Sierra Northern Railway’s new hydrogen fuel cell locomotive at the Port of West Sacramento that will demonstrate how hydrogen-fueled switching locomotives improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase the quality of life for surrounding communities.

CAP Luncheon: Readying Our Region for Investment

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s February 2022 Virtual Quarterly Luncheon, attendees will learn about and take steps to coordinate around several upcoming Federal and State funding programs to improve mobility, air quality, and more. RSVP Now:

CAP events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the Sacramento region. Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, CEMEX, PG&E, and the Healthy Air Alliance.

CAP events are free to attend; registration is required for planning purposes. Email Adrian Rehn with any questions or call (707) 813-1913.

Zero Emission Hydrogen Locomotive Pilot – West Sacramento

Picture of the future Sierra Northern Railway Zero Emission Switcher Locomotive at the Port of West Sacramento. The new hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen storage will be placed in the middle of the locomotive, which will replace up to 10,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year.

Advanced transportation technologies play a critical role in meeting climate goals and fostering innovative regional economies

Sierra Northern Railway will be building and testing a new hydrogen fuel cell locomotive at the Port of West Sacramento that will demonstrate how hydrogen-fueled switching locomotives improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase the quality of life for surrounding communities

The new zero-emission switching locomotive will use advanced hydrogen technology to replace a diesel locomotive. There are more than 260 switcher locomotives that operate in California-currently all powered by diesel. This hydrogen switching locomotive will be the first of its kind, proof of concept project by Sierra Northern Railway, and will feature hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen storage, and battery and control technologies that are much more environmentally friendly than diesel. If proven successful, hydrogen switchers could revolutionize the locomotive industry.

What is a switcher locomotive?

A switcher locomotive, also called a switching locomotive, operates within rail yards and is used to assemble and disassemble trains short distances-similar to a tugboat. Because switchers stay in a small area, reducing switching locomotive emissions will immediately improve regional air quality and in the long term, reduce ozone levels.

Once the new hydrogen-fueled switcher locomotive is completed, it is estimated to replace up to 10,000 gallons of conventional diesel fuel per year. The demonstration of hydrogen switcher will lead to improvements in air quality, as well as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and odor that will benefit the residents of West Sacramento, as well as the wildlife that surrounds the area.

The project

The purpose of this project is to convert an existing diesel locomotive into a zero-emission hydrogen-fueled locomotive. The project team will demonstrate and validate the hydrogen switcher technology which will establish a platform for widespread commercialization in the near future. The potential market for hydrogen locomotives in California includes more than 260 switcher locomotives.

As part of this project, Valley Vision is conducting community outreach to determine how the new and cleaner locomotive will affect the surrounding area. As well, Valley Vision will analyze the data pertaining to diesel switchers and will determine if it would be feasible to convert the remaining diesel switchers in California to hydrogen.

Funding for this project was made possible through the California Energy Commission. Sierra Northern Railway is the technical lead and has partnered with GTI as the formal applicant to the California Energy Commission. In addition to Valley Vision, other technical partners are Railpower Tech LLC, Ballard Power Systems, Optifuel Systems LLC, Velocity Strategies, Southern California Gas Company, and the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.

Should you have any questions, please contact Grace Kaufman at

Legal Notice

This document was prepared as a result of work sponsored by the California Energy Commission. It does not necessarily represent the views of the Energy Commission, its employees, or the State of California. Neither the Commission, the State of California, nor the Commission’s employees, contractors, or subcontractors makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability for the information in this document; nor does any party represent that the use of this information will not infringe upon privately owned rights. This document has not been approved or disapproved by the Commission, nor has the Commission passed upon the accuracy of the information in this document. “2022 Valley Vision. All Rights Reserved.”

CAP Luncheon: Transportation and Infrastructure (December 2021)

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s December 2021 *Virtual* Quarterly Luncheon, attendees learned about important regional transportation projects planned and already underway, with a focus on Yolo County, and how our region can maximize forthcoming funding from the Federal Infrastructure Bill. CAP events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the Sacramento region.

Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, PG&E, and the Healthy Air Alliance.

Guest Speakers:

  • Kristina Svensk, Director of Transportation (Sacramento Area Council of Governments – SACOG) (Presentation)
  • Autumn Bernstein, Executive Director (Yolo County Transportation District) (Presentation)

CAP Luncheon: Transportation & Infrastructure

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s December 2021 Virtual Quarterly Luncheon, attendees will learn about important regional transportation projects planned and already underway, and how they will impact air quality. RSVP Now:

CAP events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the Sacramento region. Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, PG&E, Healthy Air Alliance, and the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District.

CAP events are free to attend; registration is required for planning purposes. Email Adrian Rehn with any questions or call (707) 813-1913.

CAP Luncheon: Intersection of Climate & Air Quality (September 2021)

At the Cleaner Air Partnership’s September 2021 *Virtual* Quarterly Luncheon, attendees learned about the intersection of air quality and climate change, with a focus on local Climate Action Plans and connectivity to the 2022 CARB Scoping Plan update. We had a great lineup of experts with diverse perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for local action that address both climate and air quality inequities. CAP events are an opportunity to learn about important air quality topics affecting the Sacramento region.

Thank you to the generous contributors to the Cleaner Air Partnership: Sac Metro Air District, Teichert, SMUD, Sutter Health, Union Pacific, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, El Dorado County Air Quality Management District, North State Building Industry Association, PG&E, and the Healthy Air Alliance.

Guest Speakers:

  • Rajinder Sahota, Deputy Executive Officer for Climate Change and Research, CA Air Resources Board (Presentation)
  • Michael McCormick, Founder & President, Farallon Strategies (Presentation)
  • Nailah Pope-Harden, Executive Director, ClimatePlan (Presentation)