Capital Region California Jobs First (CERF) Capacity Assistance Funding
Valley Vision recognizes the need for capacity assistance for individuals and organizations to be able to participate in the Capital Region California Jobs First (CERF). To address these needs, Valley Vision will provide funding to those who meet the eligibility criteria outlined in this document and submit a written request containing the necessary information, so long as budget is available.
California Jobs First (CERF) Roundtables
In 2022 and 2023, Valley Vision hosted roundtables on the California Jobs First (CERF) for counties within the capital regions in order to inform about the program and identify early opportunities and alignments.
California Jobs First (CERF) Collaborative Meetings: Summer of Collective Learning Series
The Summer of Collective Learning series were held from June to August in 2023 to give us time to learn and plan together around the California Jobs First (CERF) program. Each monthly meeting featured a collective learning session on topics related to the California Jobs First (CERF) program’s values and goals, as well as time dedicated to advancing our region’s efforts.
California Jobs First (CERF) Collaborative Meeting: Summer of Collective Learning- August 24, 2023
This was the final Collaborative meeting in the “Summer of Collective Learning” series on August 24th from 3:00pm – 4:30pm. The meeting was held virtually via Zoom and was open to current Collaborative members as well as those interested in getting involved. The session featured the Salinas Inclusive Economic Development Initiative and collaborative partners with Mujeres en Acción learning about their efforts to influence inclusive recovery and economic development, especially as it relates to the preservation and creation of quality, family-sustaining jobs in Salinas. Additionally, we introduced our identified Subregional Hub Partners and provided updates on our region’s progress, including the announcement of the Leadership Council nomination and selection timeline. In addition to viewing the recording below, you may also download the VV slides and meeting minutes.
Livability Summit – 2023
The 2nd annual Livability Summit on October 30th, 2023 will help inspire regional unity through engaging dialogue, inspirational perspectives, and collaborative idea generation. Together, we’ll take a deeper look at Valley Vision’s research findings and participate in a series of conversations about how we can come together to improve the quality of life for all residents.
Through sharing new data, welcoming dialogue, and practicing honest conversation, the Livability Summit creates a space where all voices and perspectives are heard and an opportunity to align goals and vision, build trust across diverse groups, and establish a common foundation for action. At the Livability Summit – your voice belongs and your voice makes change.
To read more about the event and register, visit the official Livability Summit website at
California Jobs First (CERF) Collaborative Meeting: Summer of Collective Learning- July 27, 2023
This was second Collaborative meeting in the “Summer of Collective Learning” series on July 27th from 3pm – 5pm. The meeting was held virtually via Zoom and was open to current Collaborative members as well as those interested in getting involved. The session featured a panel of Economic Development Pilot Project awardees discussing innovative projects advancing California Jobs First (CERF). Additionally, there was a presentation from our Lead Research Partner, Brookings, providing an overview our research progress and plan. The Summer of Collective Learning series will give us time to learn and plan together around the California Jobs First (CERF) program. From June to August, each monthly meeting will feature a collective learning session on topics related to the California Jobs First (CERF) program’s values and goals, as well as time dedicated to advancing our region’s efforts. In addition to viewing the recording below, you may also download the VV slides and meeting minutes.
California Jobs First (CERF) Collaborative Meeting: Summer of Collective Learning- June 22, 2023
This was our first official Collaborative meeting! On June 22, 2023 from 1pm – 3pm, we kicked off our “Summer of Collective Learning” series with a presentation from guest speaker Dr. Manuel Pastor. We made some major announcements regarding changes to the California Jobs First (CERF) program (California Jobs First (CERF) Catalyst Fund Program) and other updates. The Summer of Collective Learning series will give us time to learn and plan together around the California Jobs First (CERF) program. From June to August, each monthly meeting will feature a collective learning session on topics related to the California Jobs First (CERF) program’s values and goals, as well as time dedicated to advancing our region’s efforts. In addition to viewing the recording below, you may also download the VV slides, Catalyst Fund slides, Dr. Pastor’s Slides and meeting minutes.
California Jobs First (CERF) Planning Phase Plan
California Jobs First (CERF) Collaborative Organizations
Below you’ll find a list of organizations that are a part of our California Jobs First (CERF) Collaborative. You can also sort by the subregion and stakeholder type columns.
The Built Environment Poll (May 2023)
The Built Environment Poll is a comprehensive view of the public’s priorities with respect to their built environment, particularly transportation, housing, telework, perceptions of safety, and public health.
The Poll was in the field from October to December of 2022. It is demographically representative of the Capital region, encompassing Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba counties, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percent.
This poll is a project of Valley Vision and the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), in partnership with the Institute for Social Research at Sacramento State.