Climate, Justice, and Jobs Summit (March 2021)
Join the effort to build an inclusive pipeline to grow green jobs in the Sacramento Region! Workforce demands are shifting across our region in response to the climate crisis, policy mandates, and economic drivers.
The Climate, Justice, and Jobs Summit, which took place on Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, explored how our region’s response to this critical moment will determine the roadmap for access to high-road clean economy jobs as we move to a low carbon economy.
Spearheaded by City of Sacramento Councilmember Eric Guerra and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District Executive Director Dr. Alberto Ayala, this event included presentations on current climate legislation, justice and inclusion, and workforce development efforts. We also heard from a panel of youth and community members working in clean economy jobs, learn about their pathway, roadblocks, and effective supports.
More info and full agenda can be found here: