Info Session: Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) (November 2021)

On November 18, Valley Vision and the Prosperity Partnership held an Information Session on the Community Economic Resilience Fund or “CERF,” the state’s $600 Million investment in the planning and implementation of inclusive economic strategies for regions across the state.
The CERF program invites regional proposals for developing High-Road Transition Strategies, which include investing in industries that will thrive in a carbon-neutral future, while creating high-quality jobs and clear pathways into those jobs, with a focus on those often left out of traditional economic development strategies.
Presenters at the Information Session provided an overview of the CERF program and its parameters, discussed how the investment could transform our region, and initiated a conversation around priorities for a regional ask.
A recording for the Information Session can be found on YouTube and below:
The presentation slides used at the Information Session can be found here and below:
Results from the Mentimeter survey conducted during the Information Session can be found here.
What’s next?
- Valley Vision and the Prosperity Partnership are teeing up a regional planning effort for the CERF program.
- We continue to communicate with state leadership about the CERF program parameters and grant application, and will be seeking input from regional stakeholders.
- We want to engage with all of you throughout this effort. We are all in this together!
Please take a couple of minutes to fill out this survey if you have not done so. In addition to your contact information, which we’ll use to provide updates and stay engaged, it also includes questions about what interests you the most about the CERF opportunity (for example, funding for a particular project or initiative), and who else should be engaged throughout this effort.
For additional questions, please contact Valley Vision’s Isa Avanceña at