Preferred Scenario for Unserved Households in the CCABC Region (2021)
Valley Vision, as manager of the Connected Capital Area Broadband Consortium (CCABC) (funded by the CPUC CASF Program), partnered with the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) to prepare the “Preferred Scenario for Unserved Households in the CCABC Region.”
This report provides detailed information on 1) identifying unserved households at different broadband standards in the Capital Region, 2) estimating the deployment costs to connect these unserved households, and 3) establishing partnerships with state agencies and broadband stakeholders to achieve cost-efficient infrastructure deployments. It also incorporates demand aggregation of potential community anchor institutions and business customers to ensure a sustainable business model for ISPs in the long term.
The Preferred Scenarios Report will help local governments, ISPs, and broadband stakeholders to accelerate broadband expansion and upgrades in the Capital Region to achieve affordable, reliable, and high-speed Broadband for All.