What Are You Hopeful for in 2018?
The New Year is upon us – read on for thoughts, predictions, and wishes on what Valley Vision staff hope will come to pass in 2018.
Kari Hakker: “I am hopeful for peace, grace, love, health, and wellness in 2018.”
Tammy Cronin: “I’m hopeful for new opportunities and challenges in 2018 as well as many travel adventures!”
Emma Koefoed:
- To travel somewhere new at least twice
- Run a marathon
- The rise of equality for women
- One less year of the current administration
- Read a few good books
Meg Arnold: “I am hopeful that friends and family currently facing personal challenges will find strength, resolution and peace during 2018.”
Adrian Rehn: “I hope for the world to become just a little bit more aware of the need to work together in addressing our collective challenges.”
Alejandra Gallegos: “I am hopeful for fun times.”
Evan Schmidt: “The world to get more sane, the region to get plenty of rain, and to go someplace cool on a plane (or train!).”
Patrick Guild: “The continued prosperity of Valley Vision and the Capital Region in 2018 and beyond!”
Alan Lange: “I am hopeful that I will clean up my desk at some point in 2018.”
Jennifer Romero: “I am hopeful for a peaceful and uneventful year in these tumultuous times. Let’s hope nothing BIGLY happens!”
Christine Ault: “I am hopeful that Oprah will run in 2020.”