What Are You Hopeful for in 2021?

A year of deep challenges has come to an end, and a new year is upon us. Read on for thoughts and predictions that Valley Vision staff hope will come to pass in 2021:
Meg Arnold: “I’m hopeful for transitions: swiftly, to vaccines; smoothly, to the new administration; happily, back to seeing people in person without worry, and (on a personal note) successfully, for the four young adults in our home who will all be starting or resuming their four-year degree programs in the fall.”
Isa Avanceña: “I’m hopeful for opportunities for our communities to come back stronger than ever. It won’t be easy, but I believe our region has what it takes. I’m also looking forward to lots of in-person quality time with family and friends, especially in the second half of the year.”
Kari MacDonald: “I am hopeful that we spend 2021 remembering what is truly important: health, love, family, work-life balance, using technology for connection, and good books!”
Houa Vang: “I am hopeful for great prosperity in health, compassion, and growth for everyone in 2021.”
Grace Kaufman: “I’m hopeful for continued health, colorful sunrises and sunsets, new friendships, and quiet reflection.”
Alan Lange: “Globally, I’m hopeful that everyone will take time to fully appreciate the good things that are in their lives. Personally, I’m hopeful that the deluge of house projects I’ve been assigned by my boss (aka spouse) over the past few months will slow so I can have a free weekend (Love you, K!).”
Evan Schmidt: “I’m hopeful for a better 2021 than 2020! This includes: health and well-being for all, the opportunity to create systems and communities that are better than what came before, the ability to visit family that lives long distance, and to go to a fun party by the end of 2021!”
Trish Kelly: “That 2021 sees restored health; economic recovery and renewal that is truly inclusive, starts to remediate past injustices and structural disparities, and sees our region leading around environmental innovations. And that we will be able to see and hug loved ones.”
Renee John: “I am hopeful we will all be kinder to each other, think of each other first and ourselves less.”
Jesse Flores: “I’m hopeful for the opportunities to channel built-up energy and motivation from 2020 towards a more racially equitable Sacramento region.”
David Espinoza: “I am hopeful to continue witnessing high-quality and affordable internet service expanding across the region. I am hopeful for good health and unity in the country and the world. I am hopeful to become better acquainted with the beautiful and amazing Greater Sacramento Region and for new adventures here with my family. Live long and connected, and may the broadband be with you.”
Adrian Rehn: “I hope for a better and brighter 2021 where people’s basic needs are provided for.”
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